Thursday, 25 February 2010
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Homeless lady

13. veebruaril oli meil järjekordne üritus, mis möödus sõbrapäeva varjus. See kord oli meil mitmeid erinevaid projekte, mis hõlmasid kodutuid, orbusid, tavalisi inimesi ja endiseid prostituute või inimkaubanduse ohvreid.
Kuna mitmetes kohtades oli pildistamine keelatud ning mõningais kohtades tundsid inimesed end minu läheduses ebamugavalt (tingitud minu kaelas rippuvast aparaadist), siis on mul mõni üksik emotsionaalne pilt inimestest, keda aitasime ning palju pilte rõõmsatest vabatahtlikest. Kõiki siia üles ei hakka panema, teisi pilte saate kunagi näha kodulehelt, mille enne andsin.
Siia ma panen oma kõige lemmikuma foto.
Ooh ja ilusat sõbrapäeva! :)
Some of you have heard that the reason why I'm living in Tallinn now is a project called Serve The City. You can read more about from www.servethecity.ee On the 13th of Feburary we had an other event that was called Valetines' Day special. This time we had many different projects that dealed with homeless people, orhpans, ordinary people and ex-prostitutes or human trafficking victims. As taking pictures was prohibited in many places and in some places people felt very uncomfortable around me (because of my camera) I have very few emotional pictures of people we served but a lot of pics of happy volunteers. I will not upload them all over here, but you can see them at the website I gave you before.
I will upload my favorite photo for you.
Oh and Happy Valetine's day! :)
I will upload my favorite photo for you.
Oh and Happy Valetine's day! :)
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