Friday, 29 January 2010


Did a little photoshoot of myself.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

First steps

Mõned pildid, mis said tehtud pool aastat kuni aasta tagasi. Sellel ajal oli mul minu armas ja ustav Canoni Digital IXUS 90 IS.

Some pictures that I took one or an half year ago when I had my sweet and trustworthy Canons' Digital IXUS 90 IS.
"heavy burden "

"the road back home"

"the land of green and white"


"summer colors"

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Winter wonderland

Täna käisime Nõmmel oma iga nädalast Serve The City projekti tegemas. Minu ülesanne oli teha pilte, kuidas kõik rasket tööd teevad. Kuna kõik pildid said suht üksluised, tegin ma mõned pildid ka teistest asjadest. Nõmmel on väga palju puid ja nad on praegusel ajal imekaunid, seal jalutades oli tunne nagu viibiksime võlumaal. Kõik meie ümber oli lumivalge, puud olid kaetud lumega, maja räästate alt tulid alla suured jääpurikad, kogu maapind ning ümberkaudsed majad olid kaetud valge koheva lumega. Sel aastal on meil õige talv!

Today we went to Nõmme to do our weekly Serve The City project. My job was to took pictures how everyone was working hard. As it got quite boring time to times I took some other pictures too. Nõmme has a lot of trees and they're extremely beautiful right now, it felt like we were walking in a wonderland. Everything around us was white, trees were covered with snow, houses had huge icicles coming down from their eaves and all the ground and houses were covered with hard white snow. This year we're having a real winter!

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Linnud/ Birds

Kuna mul ei ole just kõige parema objektiiviga kaamera (sest ma veel ei vaja seda), siis pean ma lähedalt pildistamiseks minema asjadele/loomadele küllaltki lähedale. Selle pildi tegemiseks roomasin ma vaikselt, vaikselt mööda kõnniteed, et mitte linde ära ehmatada, keset Kadrioru parki, ümber ringi inimesed vaatamas. Tegelikult oli plaan veelgi lähemale jõuda, kuid nad said aru, et nende keskel on sissetungija ning siputasid oma tiibu ja lendasid mõned meetrid kaugemale ja sel hetkel sai minu kaamera aku tühjaks. Feil.

As my camera doesn't have the best closeup lens (because I don't need it yet) I have to go very close to the things and animals if I want to take a closeup photo. For this picture I crawled very quitely on the street, so that I wouldn't scare the birds, in the middle of the Kadrioru park and people were staring at me. My plan was to crawl even closer to them, but i guess they realized that there was an intruder among them and they flew few meters away from me, on that second my cameras' battery got empty. Fail.

Monday, 11 January 2010

My model nr 1

Here's my first model who was willing to pose for me!


"the future always looks brighter than the past:"

Sunday, 10 January 2010


Hommikul ärgates, vaatas aknast vastu helesinine taevas. Kordagi mõtlemata, kargasin voodist püsti ning hakkasin riideid selga toppima ja üritasin õue joosta nii kiiresti kui võimalik, unustades süüa hommikust ja isegi pesta hambaid. Minu peas oli ainult kaks mõtet: helesininetaevas= päike= ilus valgus= head pildid ning kas kaameraaku on täis. Oli täis. Läksin õue ning hakkasin päikesel järgi jooksma. Tulemus on selline:

When I woke up this morning, there was sa blue sky greeting me. Not even thinking twice I jumped out of my bed, put on my clothes and tried to run outside as fast as i could, I even forgot to eat breakfast and brush my teeth. There was only two thoughts in my head: blue sky= sun= nice light= good pictures and if cameras' battery is full. It was. I went outside and started to run after sun. These are the result:

torn/ a tower:

kolm torni/ three towers:

puu/ a tree:

härmatis/ a frost:

"kodulinn"/the sign says "hometown":

Minu esimene/ My first

Tere tulemast minu fotoblogisse,
Welcome to my photography blog,

algaja fotograafina mõtlesin oma teekonna salvestada kõikvõimsa Interneti avarustesse, et üks päev kui vana ja kortsus olen, näeksin oma vildaka horisondi ja väriseva käega tehtud pilte. Või kui üks päev natukene parem, kui täna olen, saaksin uurida oma arengut ja meenutada neid hetki, mil üks või teine pilt on tehtud. Miks teha seda avalikult ja mitte hoida oma arengut sahtlis?

as a beginner at photography I decided to save my journey on the all powerful Internet, so that one day when i will be old and wrinkled I would still see my pictures that were made with a shaking hand or have a skewed horizon. Or one day when i would be a little better at photography than I'm right now, I could see my development and look back on all those moments when I was taking this exact photo. Why do it publicly?

Vastus on kerge, arvutid ei ole usaldusväärsed nagu ei ole ka mälupulgad, CD ja muud salvestus vahendid. Kindlasti ei ole ka Internet kõige-kõige turvalisem, kuid ma loodan, et ta on natukenegi turvalisem kui muud vahendid (vähemalt kuskiltki saaks oma vanad fotod kätte). Pluss siis saavad mu sõbrad ja tuttavad uudistada minu töid.

The answer is simple, computers aren't very reliable as aren't memory stick, CDs and other saving stuff. Surely Internet isn't the safest way either, but i hope it's a littlebit more reliable then the other things. Plus my friends and family can see my work.

Ma loodan, et keegigi siin mõnikord käib ja mõne kommentaarigi maha jätab, kuid lootus on lollide lohutus, nagu me kõik teame.

I hope someone will come and visit mu blog and even leave a comment, but hoping is losers comfort, as we all know.

Siit see siis tuleb. Minu esimesed pildid, väriseva käe, viltuse horisondi ja võib-olla mitte just kõige parema nurga alt aga ma õpin ja see on alles teekonna algus.

So here it comes. My first pictures, made with a shaking hand, skewed horizon and maybe not at the best angle but I'm learning and this is still the beginning of my journey.
