Kuna mul ei ole just kõige parema objektiiviga kaamera (sest ma veel ei vaja seda), siis pean ma lähedalt pildistamiseks minema asjadele/loomadele küllaltki lähedale. Selle pildi tegemiseks roomasin ma vaikselt, vaikselt mööda kõnniteed, et mitte linde ära ehmatada, keset Kadrioru parki, ümber ringi inimesed vaatamas. Tegelikult oli plaan veelgi lähemale jõuda, kuid nad said aru, et nende keskel on sissetungija ning siputasid oma tiibu ja lendasid mõned meetrid kaugemale ja sel hetkel sai minu kaamera aku tühjaks. Feil.
As my camera doesn't have the best closeup lens (because I don't need it yet) I have to go very close to the things and animals if I want to take a closeup photo. For this picture I crawled very quitely on the street, so that I wouldn't scare the birds, in the middle of the Kadrioru park and people were staring at me. My plan was to crawl even closer to them, but i guess they realized that there was an intruder among them and they flew few meters away from me, on that second my cameras' battery got empty. Fail.
As my camera doesn't have the best closeup lens (because I don't need it yet) I have to go very close to the things and animals if I want to take a closeup photo. For this picture I crawled very quitely on the street, so that I wouldn't scare the birds, in the middle of the Kadrioru park and people were staring at me. My plan was to crawl even closer to them, but i guess they realized that there was an intruder among them and they flew few meters away from me, on that second my cameras' battery got empty. Fail.

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