Täna käisime Nõmmel oma iga nädalast Serve The City projekti tegemas. Minu ülesanne oli teha pilte, kuidas kõik rasket tööd teevad. Kuna kõik pildid said suht üksluised, tegin ma mõned pildid ka teistest asjadest. Nõmmel on väga palju puid ja nad on praegusel ajal imekaunid, seal jalutades oli tunne nagu viibiksime võlumaal. Kõik meie ümber oli lumivalge, puud olid kaetud lumega, maja räästate alt tulid alla suured jääpurikad, kogu maapind ning ümberkaudsed majad olid kaetud valge koheva lumega. Sel aastal on meil õige talv!
Today we went to Nõmme to do our weekly Serve The City project. My job was to took pictures how everyone was working hard. As it got quite boring time to times I took some other pictures too. Nõmme has a lot of trees and they're extremely beautiful right now, it felt like we were walking in a wonderland. Everything around us was white, trees were covered with snow, houses had huge icicles coming down from their eaves and all the ground and houses were covered with hard white snow. This year we're having a real winter!

1 comment:
See pihlakatega on väga hea pilt. :)
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