Hommikul ärgates, vaatas aknast vastu helesinine taevas. Kordagi mõtlemata, kargasin voodist püsti ning hakkasin riideid selga toppima ja üritasin õue joosta nii kiiresti kui võimalik, unustades süüa hommikust ja isegi pesta hambaid. Minu peas oli ainult kaks mõtet: helesininetaevas= päike= ilus valgus= head pildid ning kas kaameraaku on täis. Oli täis. Läksin õue ning hakkasin päikesel järgi jooksma. Tulemus on selline:
When I woke up this morning, there was sa blue sky greeting me. Not even thinking twice I jumped out of my bed, put on my clothes and tried to run outside as fast as i could, I even forgot to eat breakfast and brush my teeth. There was only two thoughts in my head: blue sky= sun= nice light= good pictures and if cameras' battery is full. It was. I went outside and started to run after sun. These are the result:
When I woke up this morning, there was sa blue sky greeting me. Not even thinking twice I jumped out of my bed, put on my clothes and tried to run outside as fast as i could, I even forgot to eat breakfast and brush my teeth. There was only two thoughts in my head: blue sky= sun= nice light= good pictures and if cameras' battery is full. It was. I went outside and started to run after sun. These are the result:
torn/ a tower:

kolm torni/ three towers:
Mulle meeldib Härmatise pilt :)
eriti hea!
tänkssss!!! :) Sa oled mu esimene follower!!! happy, happy, joy, joy :D
Kuule sa oled juba praegu päris proff valmis. Megailusad pildid
haha. aitäh anneli! :)
Praegu on ju pöörfikt ilm selliste piltide tegemiseks :) Tule Pärnu metsikusse loodusesse - siin saad fantast pilte ;)
Aga fotod on küll ilusad :) Tubli tüdruk oled!
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